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häzirki ýagdaýy: cityincalifornia,unitedstates ýumuşsyz gaty gaty oturgyç pipe kompaniýasy>cityincalifornia,unitedstatesÖnümler sergisi>cityincalifornia,unitedstatesÇ345B eşsiz kare boru>cityincalifornia,unitedstatesQ345B seamless square tube

cityincalifornia,unitedstatesQ345B seamless square tube

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Q345B eşsiz kare tüpüsü boşluk bölümünde uzan bir çenendir ve periferinde boşluklar yok.Ýagtyk pipetleri üýtgeli bölegi bar we suw bilen gaty materiýalar üçin pipeliniň şeklinde ulanylýar.Köst deñiz bilen, dyrgan deñiz ýaly derejeli, ýüklemek we eşigim güýçleri bilen reňklidir.It is a kind of economical cross-section steel, which is widely used in the manufacture of structural parts and mechanical parts, such as oil drill pipes, automobile transmission shafts, and bicycles. Binada ullanýan çerä we çelik.
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