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häzirki ýagdaýy: cityintexas,unitedstates ýumuşsyz gaty gaty oturgyç pipe kompaniýasy>cityintexas,unitedstatesÖnümler sergisi>cityintexas,unitedstatesHejim boş pipe>cityintexas,unitedstatesHejim çykyş tüpüsi

cityintexas,unitedstatesHejim çykyş tüpüsi

önümiň beýany Beýleki teklipler
Taýýarlyk çyzygsyz pipe - sowuk çizim ýa-da ysy ýöremek bilen işlenýän ýokary gaty ýokary çelik pipe materiýalydyr.Because the inner and outer walls of precision steel pipe have no oxide layer, bear high pressure and no leakage, high precision, high smoothness, cold bending without deformation, expansion It is mainly used to produce pneumatic or hydraulic components.
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